Free Mobile App Support
uMAT-R is a free service through the iCHASM team at Washington University School of Medicine, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Clients can continue to engage with uMAT-R app for as long as they would like additional recovery support.
Paid Research Opportunity
Clients who use the uMAT-R app can also choose to take surveys and provide feedback on the app during their first month. Clients who choose to participate in the research portion of the study can earn up to $90. Client can continue to engage with uMAT-R app after this 1 month study timeframe for as long as they would like additional recovery support.

Each client using uMAT-R app will be assigned an e-coach, who can act as an additional support between clinic visits. Coaches can message with clients, suggest educational content, and help to identify community resources based on client need. Coaches are all trained in motivational interviewing, and hav a variety of clinical backgrounds including counseling, psychology, and social work.

We work with substance use facilities, hospitals, and providers across Missouri and parts of Illinois to provide uMAT-R as a free service to clients. Below are some of the clinics we partner with and we are continually expanding to connect with new clinics.